Italiafestival is a multidisciplinary association that gathers a number of the most prestigious Italian festivals. Created in 1987 within the Agis, the General Entertainment Association, today it represents 40 Italian festivals and 6 festival networks operating in the musical, theatrical, performing arts and dance, literature, and other artistic events.
Its members work throughout Italy and they represent a fair mix of structured festivals, some of them are already well known in the national and international arena, while others are less known to the general public. They already have a strong international vocation and solid roots within their territories.
Italiafestival’s mission is to increasingly consolidate a network that protects and promotes national festivals through a correct fundraising and internationalization strategy. Furthermore, Italiafestival has the mission of protecting the interests of its members, both with regard to MiBACT and with regard to other Italian and European public institutions.
Italiafestival plays an active role within the EFA, European Festivals Association, the most important international festival network based in Brussels. Many important annual events come as a result of these collaborations.

The Association has no profit-making purposes.
Its purposes are:
– protect and represent the common interests of festivals to public and private institutions at the national and international level;
– promote and encourage any agreement useful to regulate, in the common interest, the reciprocal relations of the various festivals with particular reference to coordination, programming, and information needs;
– collect, process, make available documentation and information materials, statistics, also using information technology and telematics, as well as the services of the SIAE-AGI Data Bank;
– provide members with common assistance services, technical-economic, and operational consultancy, with particular regard to promotional activities.
On the advice of the Board of Directors, the Organisms, Institutions and Associations duly constituted, both public, private or cooperative, which promote or organize festivals of significant cultural importance, can join “ITALIAFESTIVAL”.
5 Network oF Festival
Live streaming of the events
On demand shows
In Viareggio, on the 4th of July 2020, the assembly of the Italiafestival Association unanimously reconfirmed Francesco Maria Perrotta (member of the Agis presidency), as president of the new Board of Directors.
The board of directors is composed as follows:
Francesco Maria Perrotta (president)
- Franco Belletti (vice president/ Ravenna Festival)
- Cecilia Balestra (Milano Musica)
- Roberto Naccari (Santarcangelo Festival)
- Augusto Masiello (Maggio all’Infanzia Festival)
- Herman Schnitzer (Merano Festival)
- Franco Moretti (Puccini Festival)
- Brunella Fusco (Napolitheater Festival)
- Massimo Mercelli (Emilia Romagna Festival)
Supervisory Body:
- Giuseppe Campana (president)
- Franco Calabretto (International Festival of Sacred Music of Pordenone)
- Maurizio Cuzzocrea (Area Sud)
Music sector coordination:
- Cristian Della Chiara (Rossini Opera Festival).